The Sanhedrin Chronicles
“a modern fantasy where ancient Hebrew mysticism comes alive on the streets of New York…”
College student and certified nerd Arthur Rose has issues: he's estranged from his Jewish faith, he needs a recommendation for grad school, and getting back with his ex, Lynn, is going to take more than an apology and chocolate. He's trying to balance it all when he starts seeing shapes in the dark. Soon after, a mysterious young woman approaches. She tells him she killed his father and seeks a stone blessed by God Himself...
What follows is a tale ripped out of Arthur's wildest fantasies: to protect the world from evil, he must join a secret order of Jewish demon-hunters that have spanned millennia. He'll have to master Hebrew magic, uncover the secrets of his past and embrace his heritage. In so doing, he won't just reclaim his faith, but become
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Praise for The Sanhedrin Chronicles
“An exciting and magical Jewish urban fantasy novel…the worldbuilding is elaborate and engaging, setting the stage for…a gritty fantasy series.”
Kirkus Reviews
“There’s hardly anything I love more than a unique mythological fantasy, and The Sanhedrin Chronicles by J.S. Gold surpassed my expectations with its distinct worldbuilding, complex characters and stunning prose. To my fellow fantasy lovers, I cannot recommend this book enough!”
BookTrib Review
“…beyond its magical allure, The Sanhedrin Chronicles is a celebration of culture, faith, and identity.”
Jeff Ting, author of Dawn of Deoridium
“Gold has also written a book that celebrates Hebrew culture without being cliquish or exclusionary. His writing is at times sharp, economical, eloquent, poetic and always engrossing.”
Five-Star Goodreads Review
“Let's call this instant classic Jewish Harry Potter….this beautifully written, pulse pounding page-turner will leave you breathless.”
Aliah Wright, author of Now You Owe Me
“Action-packed and engrossing, this novel is a solid, if typical, fantasy adventure with a powerful emotional core and strong exploration of the theme of reclaiming one’s identity and heritage.”
u/shadowtravelling, certified Reddit reviewer